The All-Inclusive
Death of Christ

The intrinsic significance of the death of Christ* is manifold. It includes not only the perfect, complete redemption of the believers, but also the glorious termination of all negative things in the old creation, the release of the divine life concealed within Christ, and the creation of the “one new man.” The experience of this all-inclusive work of Christ on the cross rescues the believers from their sins, their old man, their flesh, the world, the devil, and all other things which separate them from God and divide them from other believers. Further, the experience of Christ’s death not only uplifts the believers’ individual Christian life, but also ultimately enables God to fulfill His purpose in this age: the building up of the Body of Christ, which will consummate in eternity in the New Jerusalem.

May the profound truths concerning the death of Christ be trumpeted to all mankind, including all Christians, that they may enter into a deeper appreciation as well as a richer experience of it.

  1. Christ’s Redeeming Death
  2. Christ’s Terminating Death
    1. Crucifying the Old Man
    2. Dealing with Sin
    3. Judging the World
    4. Slaying the Ordinances
    5. Destroying the Devil
  3. Christ’s Life-Releasing Death
  4. Christ’s Creating Death
  5. Experiencing the Death of Christ