Termination of All Fallen Things for the Creation of the New Man

Not only did the Lord Jesus solve the problem of sin through His redemptive death; He also terminated the sinner as well as every other negative thing in the universe. In this sense, Christ’s death is truly all-inclusive. His crucifixion dealt with man’s nature of sin, the world, the devil, the old man, the flesh, and even the law of the commandments in ordinances once separating the Jews from the Gentiles. Such an all-inclusive provision to the believers through Christ’s death is not merely for their personal spiritual benefit, but rather for the fulfillment of God’s purpose to bring forth the church as the one new man.

All the negative items mentioned above are contrary not only to God, but also to the church of God, which is the Body of Christ. Therefore, they had to be terminated on the cross by Christ. Further, Christ’s terminating death also must be subjectively applied to the believers so that they can be built up together into the church as the one new man.

    1. Crucifying the Old Man
    2. Dealing with Sin
    3. Judging the World
    4. Slaying the Ordinances
    5. Destroying the Devil